Wislanie Snapshot
Research Notes by Dr. Elise Gawle
In Chapter 5 of THE SLAVS by Marija Gimbutas:

Amid descriptions and emigration patterns, dwellings, "hill forts", and pottery styles there is a brief description of two physical typologies appearing across a vast region. The one of possible interest to us, extending along the river-based tribal settlements, is the so-named "Ukrainian physical type", described in a reference cited by Gimbutas and attributed to V. D. Djacenko: a "
mesocephalic (intermediate head) with broad face". Contrast this with the type belonging to the Upper Dnieper-Valda, starting to the north of the Poljane settlements and extending in three directions in the area belonging to that of the "Batlic river-names", with that type being the dolicophalic (long head) with medium sized face.
The two heaviest distributions of the Ukrainian type were to the north, within and scattered beyond the Poljane lands which were situated west of the River Dnieper, and to the west and southwest of the Poljane settlements. Comparing map to map, the distribution of this above-referenced physical type approaches, apparently in very close proximity, the territory of the Wislanie along the southernmost bend of the River Vistula.
Two general names, Zhitomir and Penkovka, refer to the earliest groupings of Slavs. "The Zhitomir sites are located west of the Dbieper in the basin of the River Teterev around the town of Zhitomir in Volynia, and the extend westwards to south-eastern Poland" (p. 80, op.cit.).  "From its nuclear area the Zhitomir complex spread south, west and north, allowing us to consider this as the original Sclavini territory" (p.84).  "From fragmentary notes of Jordanes, Procopius, Pseudo-Mauricius and Menander, dating from the sixth century, some aspects of the living conditions, habits, and appearance of the Sclavini can be reconstructed. According to Jordanes their land stretched 'per immensa spatia' toward the north; it was hardly penetrable because of the dense forests, the numbers of wild animals and the many rivers.  Villages were situated mostly along rivers and not far from one another.  Houses were poor, being little more than scattered huts, the location of which was often changed.  In times of attack everyone fled to the forests and swamps, thus luring the enemy into the treacherous forest as into a trap.  From the Strategicon of Pseudo-Mauricus we know that the Scliavini possessed large numbers of cattle and that their houses were full of grain, particularly wheat and millet.  Various authors remark that the Sclavini were sturdy people: they were not bothered by heat, cold, weather or rain, and were able to withstand the various insufficiencies of life better than Franks, Langobards, and other blond peoples" (pp. 85-86).
Dennis Benarz, Chicagoland USA 2002