Boze Cos Polske
(God Save Poland)


God! Thou surrounded Poland for so many centuries
With the grandeur of might and glory,
And with the shield of Your almighty protection
From ill fortunes that were to oppress her.

Before Your altars we carry our imploration:
Bless our free Motherland, o Lord!

God! Thou withdrew Poland that was covered for
So many centuries with the grandeur of might and glory,
Suddenly from Your care
And raised these peoples who were supposed to serve her.


Thou, who then were affected by its downfall,
Thou supported her struggle for the holy cause
And as Thou wanted the whole world to testify her courage,
Among ill fortunes Thou only multiplied her glory.


Not long ago you've taken freedom away from Polish territory
And rivers of our tears and blood were shed;
How terrible it must be for those,
Whom Thou take freedom away for centuries.


One of Your words, great Lord of thunders!
Thou'll be able to raise us from the dead,
When we should ever again deserve Your punishment,
Then turn us to ashes, but into free ashes!


Contributed by Gene Mikrut

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All of the Spuscizna websites, webpages, maps, and research are provided completely by volunteers. We charge no fees and we incur limited expenses.
Our cornerstone is sharing. This is family history research the way it should be - free of charge. And that's merely cordial Polish hospitality.
Dennis Benarz and Karen Wisniewski, 2011