Goralu czy ci nie zal,
odchodzic od stron ojczystych
Swierkowych lasow i hal,
i tych potokow przejrzystych.

Goralu czy ci nie zal,
Goralu wracaj do hal.
Goralu czy ci nie zal,
Goralu wracaj do hal.

Goralu wroc sie do hal,
tam w chatach zostali ojcowie.
Gdy pojdziesz od nich hen w dal,
coz z nimi bedzie, a kto wie.

I Goral nao gry spoziera
i lzy rekawem ociera.
Bo gory porzucic trzeba,
dla chleba panie dla chleba.

I Goral jak dziecko placze i mowi
ze juz was nie zobacze.
Bo gory porzucic trzeba,
dla chleba panie dla chleba.

(For Robert, Beata, and little Jacek
And, of course, Uncle Jan who's pictured)


Highlander, don't you feel sad
To leave your native lands,
From the green forests and meadows
And the silvery streams?

Highlander, don't you feel sad?
Highlander, return to the meadows!
Highland, don't you feel sad?
Highlander, return to the meadows!

And the highlander gazes at the mountains
And wipes away a tear with his sleeve,
Because he must leave the mountains
For bread, sir, for bread.

Highlander, don't you feel sad?
Highlander, return to the meadows!
Highlander, don't you feel sad?
Highlander, return to the meadows!

Music by Stan Konefal
Image by Karen Wisniewski
Concept by Dionizy Bieniasz
Chicagoland USA 2007