Wislanie Snapshot
Tyrolian Alps, 3300 BC:
Dennis Benarz, Chicagoland USA 2003
5300 Year-Old Leather Leggings
5300 Year-Old Bearskin Cap
Portion of Braided Grass Cloak
These artifacts were recovered in 1991 from the Schnalstal Glacier on the border of Austria and Italy. Since 1998, they have been on display at the South Tyrol Museum of Archeology, Balzano, Italy.

Among the items recovered were a cap, hide coat, grass cloak, leggings, belt, loin cloth, and shoes.

They provide significant insight into the
everyday life and general appearance of central European inhabitants during the Copper Age, 5300 years ago.
Based upon the recovered artifacts, the South Tyrol Museum of Archeology constructed this model suggesting the appearance of a central European inhabitant 5300 years ago. It is presumed that this ancient European would be a Alpine resident.

The site where these artifacts were collected is about 300-400 miles SW from the outermost point of the presumed range of the West Slavic tribes 5000 years ago.  It is approximately 450 miles WSW of Krakow and 250 miles SW of Prague.